WHAT: Hallowscream
WHEN: 11 October – 2 November, 2019
WHERE: York Maze (Elvington Lane, York, YO19 5LT)
PRICE: £22-40

There’s no doubt about it: London seems to have it all. But, it’s a common mistake of Londoners not to venture beyond the city limits and miss out on all that the country as a whole has to offer. This Halloween, we’re travelling north to York Maze and the award-winning Hallowscream, an entire park dedicated to this dark season. With a thrilling and chilling five mazes, ample food and drink options, and spooky surroundings, if Halloween is your thing then Hallowscream is THE place to be.
As soon as you line up to enter the park, you know you’re in for a scream. Watch out – monstrous characters stalk the waiting area and aren’t afraid to spot a scared victim amongst the crowd. Soon after being admitted, you are given a primer on all things Hallowscream by a most unusual character. We won’t spoil it for you, but the level of technical expertise (which we’ve only ever seen in the US before) immediately sets Hallowscream apart from the competition. After being rapidly spewed out into the park, the terror begins….
The Singularity
Our Scare Factor: 6/10
Atmosphere: 9/10

Storyline: A scientist creates a human/robot
What a way to start the night! The details and the set for this maze were so astoundingly unique – lasers, distinct zones, and plenty of hidden corners. The makeup/prosthetics for the androids was amazing and the acting was superb. It’s immediately apparent that a great deal of effort has been put into narrative – something sorely lacking from other mazes we’ve been to – and to see such dedication to storyline bridges the gap between a simple horror maze and a fully immersive experience.
Our Scare Factor: 7/10
Atmosphere: 9/10

Storyline: The scientist we learned about during The Singularity makes a return, but this time shows us a future of a “post-Trump” nuclear apocalypse were society has broken down and everyone has become sick with radiation poisoning.
This maze was again completely
The Flesh Pot
Our Scare Factor: 4/10
Atmosphere: 5/10

Storyline: A butcher slaughters the drunks and whores of York, skinning them alive, selling their joints in his shop, and blending the rest of the bits into his pies.
Your typical maze and story, and very similar in concept to many other mazes around the country. The makeup, yet again, was fantastic and the characters had consistent elements that helped create the world around us, but it was a bit one-noted compared to the other mazes we had just experienced.
Corny’s Cornevil
Our Scare Factor: 7.5/10
Atmosphere: 9/10

Storyline: Corny, the famous circus clown who was killed by the butcher from The Flesh Pot, haunts his twisted and sinister house of fun.
Not only does this rival Tulleys great 3D circus maze, it probably beats it. You begin the maze as one should – with a hall of mirrors and continuing into almost every sort of
Our Scare Factor: 3/10
Atmosphere: 6/10

Storyline: An industrial accident plunged the brave workmen of Dunnington Lodge into an underground chasm, where they now work on into eternity.
We were really looking forward to this maze as it’s on all the ‘best maze’ lists we’ve been reading while making our plans on what to visit and review this Halloween. There were fun 3D glasses, but we were a bit confused at what the theme in this was, and the acting, makeup, costumes and set pieces just weren’t on a par with the other mazes. There were some redeeming elements, however, such as the first toilet room (look out for that smell!), a great water element, and some really creepy masks towards the end!
Final Thoughts: Not only are Hallowscream’s mazes truly thrilling, but the atmosphere around the entire event, from the queue and food stall theming, to the quirky horror inspired fairground games, fully immerses you in the spirit of the season. The best Halloween event we’ve experienced in the UK by far!
P.S.: Need another haunt for the Halloween season? Check out our review of Tulleys Shocktober Fest.
*All images credit York Maze