The Howl
WHAT: The Howl
WHEN: 5 October – 2 November, 2019
WHERE: Mead Open Farm (Stanbridge Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9JH)
PRICE: £10-50
OUR RATING: Chance It!

From the twisted minds that brought you Tulleys Shocktober Fest comes a more contained scare park with an ample selection of mazes to chill your blood. The Howl may be smaller than the Fest, but rest assured that it’s a superb introduction to haunts that are both well designed and (for the most part) frightening.

Toppers Twister
Our Scare Factor: 3/10
Atmosphere Rating: 5/10
Clowns, clowns, nothing but clowns! While missing the 3D glasses from Tulleys, this maze was still quite a bit of fun. Highlights for us were a remarkably whimsical room with balls and a slide and a crazy rabbit on a bike – a great mix of creepiness and laughs, but not super scary.

Squealers Yard
Our Scare Factor: 5/10
Atmosphere Rating: 5.5/10
Squeal, piggy, squeal! Did I forget to mention that it’s you they’ll be hunting?
The content of this maze is usually our least

The Shed
Our Scare Factor: 1.5/10
Atmosphere Rating: 5/10
So where do unwanted ‘arrivals’ go? Why, The Shed of course.
Unfortunately the timing was incredibly off with our group. Perhaps there were either too many people in front of us, or perhaps the group ahead was too slow, but whatever the reason our group missed out on most of the

The Attic
Our Scare Factor: 2/10
Atmosphere Rating: 6.5/10
What happens
We really appreciated the narrative of this maze, which began with us being welcomed into a hotel and navigating some really frightening and extremely well-themed rooms before climbing up to the haunted attic. The characters were genuinely fun and very well thought out, and with such a complete concept from beginning to end this turned out to be a very well executed maze.

Our Scare Factor: 4/10
Atmosphere Rating: 6/10
Step into the woods if you dare. Happily ever after doesn’t exist.
We were really looking forward to this maze as it had a much less cliched concept than your usual haunt. The story was unique and the characters were very well realized. There were a few fun jumps and a return to a great
Final Thoughts: In general, The Howl rates their mazes at a much – MUCH – higher scare factor than us. While we are admittedly more difficult to
P.S.: If you don’t mind travelling a bit further north, Dr. Fright’s Halloween Nights offers a bit more fun and a lot more scare factor!